Fall 2021 Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge: Week 2
DO BETTER! My new project mantra!
Week 2 of demolition has offered me the opportunity to learn and grow! HA! That’s what I keep telling myself, anyway. As I continued to literally peel back the layers of this bathroom, I discovered so many more hidden treasures.
Check out this window that was hiding behind the plywood. I guess it would just make too much sense to remove it. I’m so lucky this thing didn’t get damaged as I was hacking away at this wall.
The other fun fact was that the previous contractor decided it would be a great idea to use ring shank nails. Don’t know what those are? That’s ok...I didn’t, either. They have a ribbing that actually grabs onto the wood so they are near impossible to remove. Ring shank nails are typically used for exterior installs. Not designed for interior work that you may need to remove at some point. I decided to bring in my assistant (my husband, Cookie) for this step. I know I could have done it, but he was able to get it done quicker. Let’s be real.... I don’t mind the demo, but I live for the install stage when things get pretty!
As I was finishing up the final step of demo, I made one more fun discovery (insert eyeroll emoji)! The flooring….oh the flooring. As I hammered away at the shower pan, I discovered more leaks. Below the second layer of concrete was a puddle. This is NOT supposed to happen if installed correctly. And the fun didn’t stop there. Beneath the soaking wet membrane and concrete were 4 layers of linoleum flooring dating back to 1978.
And this brings me back to my new mantra for this project. DO BETTER! All I can do at this point is to do better. I even wrote it on the wall to remind me that this is all an opportunity to learn and grow and do better than the work that was done before me. Now that demo is finally complete, I can’t wait to show you how to put this all back together the BETTER way!
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
― Maya Angelou
One last thing…I need your help! Voting starts this week! Be sure to head on over to the Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge website to VOTE!!!!!! Its free! You can vote each day! My ego really needs you to vote! HA! Did I tell you voting is open?